Modern liquor laws reflect how the different levels of government in the United States might operate if we still had a weak central government (e.g. The Articles of Confederation). In a nutshell, the states create most of their own regulations concerning alcohol within their borders. That’s why you can buy liquor and wine in New […]
At the risk of oversimplification, the Declaration of Independence was kinda like a New Year’s resolution. Yeah, I can hear Thomas Jefferson vigorously spinning in his grave, but hear me out.
Close your eyes and imagine a scene. It’s a late afternoon in June. The temperature is hovering around 75 and it’s a pleasant dry heat. You’re relaxing on a lounge chair in a screened-in gazebo with a ceiling fan lazily circulating the air around you. The smell of freshly cut grass, lilacs and tilled soil […]
After two beers, I become an inspired genius. The same can be said for the folks responsible for some pretty incredible stuff. . .
Living in New York, you know the name Henry Hudson. Even if you know nothing else, you know he’s the white dude who first explored the Hudson River, thus nobly bequeathing his name upon it.
When Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821, their territory included a vast swath of land stretching into the modern-day American West. Always the industrious lot, many Americans took advantage of this opportunity.
The Declaration of Independence reigns supreme as the rock star document of the Second Continental Congress and the American Revolution. From its epic opening words of “When in the course of human events. . .” to John Hancock’s oversized signature, the Declaration symbolizes the birth of a nation. However, without the much more understated, yet […]
Road trips are amazing. Salt and vinegar pork rinds, Big Gulps, blasting Pearl Jam, keeping off the Interstate and visiting places like Wall Drug in South Dakota or Winslow, Arizona. Living on the road, however, isn’t always as amazing.
Instead of running around New York City trying to find specific spring beers, I decided to keep it simple and pick up seven beers at two of my favorite haunts: Noble Grains on the Upper East Side and Astoria Bier and Cheese in Queens. All of the beers should be easy to find using BeerMenus […]
A few years ago, my girlfriend and I joined our first CSA (Community Sourced Agriculture group). The premise is pretty simple: pony up money at the beginning of the year and get a weekly allocation of local, fresh produce. The vegetables from our weekly CSA pickup became the focus of our meals instead of the […]